On Lost
On Lost is a mosaic of short writings about my personal experience of growing up, friends, and about getting a little lost in the woods in northern Minnesota. There are people and places lost throughout these stories, but also of things that are found, as well. Some sense of lost is what connects these stories, sometimes obviously, sometimes more opaquely. They are told in a fragmented way, as a series of small anecdotes or moments that pop up here and there and do not always follow typical narrative conventions. I followed my memories, and certain episodes came back to me as I assembled this thesis. Even now, I still feel there are gaps and spaces to be filled if I wish to tell the tale in its entirety.
Graphic designers are storytellers. We put together words and images to help tell a story. Sometimes we receive that story from someone so we may reinterpret it with type and images. Sometimes we only receive parts of a story, or only its idea, and we interpret the tale from there. Sometimes we are given imagery to help us and sometimes that imagery is telling another story. In any event, the story is told with the help of the individual or organization we are telling the tale for, and to who else that individual or organization wants the tale to be told. For better or worse, we help tell that story, and that story comes from all of us.
You may scroll or spin the mouse wheel from beginning to end and out through the middle to read this thesis. You may flip, skip, and jump through the pages and catch snippets here and there. But if you get a little lost in its narrative, you may come closer to how I remembered things and how I came to put this together.
Peter Kery
https://pkery.com | https://pkery.com/on-lost/

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